Welcome to our school's website
We hope that you will find the website informative and that it will provide you with a flavour of Sherwood Park Primary School, our ethos and our values. We are continually updating and developing the website to make it more interactive and a good source of information about our school. We have a very active Facebook page (Sherwood Park Nursery and Primary School. They show a wide range of activities, sports and trips that are on offer at Sherwood Park and our amazing children engaged in learning, laughter and play.
Visits to see 'our school in action' are warmly welcomed.
Please note that our ASD resource provision is currently full and will continue to be full for the acdemic year 2024-2025. Please feel free to call and speak to the SENCO if you would like any further information.
We still have some Reception places available for September 2024 starters. Contact the school for more information.
Weekly tours will take place from week beginning November 4th 2024. Please ring the school office if you would like to book a place on a tour and meet our Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher. In the meantime, look through our website and if you have further questions please ring the main office to speak to a member of the school's senior leadership team.
Safeguarding Team
Sherwood Park is strongly committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and those within our local community to share this commitment. The Child Protection Designated Safeguarding lead for Sherwood Park is Mr Ashley Quayle (Deputy Headteacher). The Designated Deputy Safeguarding leads are Miss Natasha Trayers (Headteacher) Miss Lauren Irwin (SENCO) and Mrs Sarah Smith (Family Worker). Mrs Jill Hawley (Office Manager) is also a member of the safeguarding team. Our Designated Safeguarding governor is Mr Lucas Bartlett. If you have a concern around safeguarding, please contact the school on DSL@sherwood.bexley.sch.uk. For additional information relating to Safeguarding within London Borough of Bexley please refer to the following website: www.bexleysafeguardingpartnership.co.uk
Bexley Children's University
We are thrilled to share the news that Sherwood Park Primary School is joining the London South East Children’s University. Being a part of the Children’s University is an opportunity to reward children for taking part in a huge range of extra-curricular activities and can help to develop their love of learning. We are one of a growing number of Bexley primary schools recognising the positive benefit that joining the Children’s University brings to our children.
For further information please look under the Children's University tab.
Healthy Schools London

In November, we were awarded the Bronze Healthy Schools London award, sponsored by the Mayor of London, for our 'outstanding contribution to improve wellbeing' in our school. We are dedicated to helping our children learn about their health and develop their motivation and self-respect to make healthy choices. Well done to Mrs Walton for working hard with the children to achieve the award. We are now working on getting the silver award.
Ofsted Report September 2023
Following our Ofsted Inspection in June 2023.
School Games Gold Mark Award
We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the School Games Gold Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.
We are striving towards achieving the Platinum Award in 2024-2025 academic year!
Rights Respecting School - Gold Award
February 2024
We did it! We have just heard some amazing news. Congratulations to Mrs Olenka and the School Council, Sherwood Park Primary School has now achieved the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Gold Award. Well done to everyone for all their hard work.
Emotional Wellbeing And Mental Health
Children's emotional wellbeing and mental health is a very important aspect of their happiness at school. Several members of the teaching staff have trained to be Mental Health First Aiders.
Miss Irwin, Mrs Olenka, Mrs Thompson and Miss Trayers can all support children with their emotional wellbeing in school.
National Online Safety
Sherwood Park is proud to say they are now working with National Online Safety. Through a comprehensive online programme our staff, parents and children will be provided with the most recent training and guidance around online safety.
Please contact Mr Quayle through the school office for more information on how to access the resources if you have not yet registered or been able to log in.
Music Mark
We are excited to share with you that Sherwood Park Primary School has become a Music Mark School in recognition of our commitment to provide high quality music provision and because of the value we place on music education as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. We are so proud of this and want to say a big well done to our children and to Mrs Morley our music teacher who have all worked really hard to achieve this.
The Penhill Trust
Sherwood Park is proud to be a member of The Penhill Trust. As part of this partnership our children have automatic right of admission to Hurstmere Boys School and Blackfen Girls School, the non-selective secondaries within the trust. For more information on The Penhill Trust, please look under the 'About Us' tab.