Looking after your mental health
Looking after you and your family's mental health and wellbeing will be paramount in the coming weeks. Please see below links to resources to support you during these challenging times.
The RCPCH have produced a useful poster signposting support for our young people during this time.
Change4life is another useful website offering advice and support on mental health and wellbeing https://www.nhs.uk/change4life.
https://www.elsa-support.co.uk/coronavirus-story-for-children/ A Coronavirus story written to explain coronavirus to children.
Tools and Resources Recommended by the Mayor of London
- Good Thinking – an online wellbeing service to support Londoners with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. There are specific resources aimed at young people (ages 13-18). There is also specialist content for parents and carers and education professionals.
- CAMHS Crisis lines – London’s emergency lines are available 24/7 and numbers are free to call when urgent support is needed – you can find your local line here. Young people can speak to a specially trained professional about their mental health concerns in a crisis. https://www.healthylondon.org/resource/schools-mental-health-toolkit/mental-health-crisislines/.
- Youth Mental Health First Aid training – these training courses allow you to identify signs of mental health issues in a young person, providing them with the right support. You can sign up for a free training course on the Thrive LDN website.
- Psychological First Aid – In your role supporting young Londoners, you and your colleagues might also be interested in Public Health England’s new, free Psychological First Aid course for supporting children and young people.
- The Mental Health in Schools Toolkit provides a wide range of information and guidance for school leaders and staff on how to promote emotional wellbeing and mental health within schools. View the updated toolkit here.
- Healthy Schools London Resource Hub – available on the City Hall website.
- Place2Be – provide child counselling and mental health support in schools, including free mental health training for teachers and school staff. Find out more here.
Additional signposting – different circumstances can require different types of support, here are a few additional options from some excellent organisations:
- Shout 85258 – a free, confidential, anonymous 24/7 text support service. Anyone can text SHOUT to 85258, anytime.
- Young Minds – provide advice and mental health support, as well as online workshops, blogs and resources. Young people who need urgent help should text YM to 85258 – a 24/7 messenger service. Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544
- Papyrus – supporting young people who struggle with thoughts of suicide, or if they are worried about someone else. There is a helpline to call: 0800 068 41 41
- Beat Eating Disorders – support for people worried about eating disorders. Their Youth helpline is available every day of the year: 0808 801 0711
- Childline – a free counselling service for children and young people. Children can call, chat online or email Childline about anything they are worried about.
- Translated wellbeing guidance from Doctors of the World – available in 27 languages, designed to support migrant communities.

Public Health England
Public Health England launched new mental health advice on their Every Mind Matters platform to support people’s mental health and wellbeing, particularly through this period of lockdown.
Support for families
Support for Children - https://www.childline.org.uk/
Family Wellbeing Support - http://www.bexley.gov.uk/earlyhelpandprevention
Family Advice and Support - http://www.familylives.org.uk/
Bexley Surestart Children's Centres and Family Lives Support - http://www.bexley.gov.uk/childrenscentres
Mind in Bexley
For local support and advice the charity Mind does a lot of good work in Bexley. Go to their website for more information
Specific help
Relationship Support - https://www.relate.org.uk/
Someone to talk to - http://www.samaritans.org/
Support with Mental Health - http://www.mind.org.uk/
Alcohol Addiction - http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/
Drug/Alcohol Addition - http://blenheimcdp.org.uk/services/nexus/
Bereavement Support
Unfortunately, over the next few weeks and months, our Sherwood Park community may encounter a bereavement of a close friend or family member. Please see the links below to websites which can help you and your child deal with their loss.
Grief is a very personal experience, and every child and young person will experience it differently, give them space to deal with their feelings in their own way. It is important to remember to take care of ourselves when supporting bereaved children and young people, and seek support from our own networks as necessary.
These are a few picture books that may help you to discuss loss and grief with your child.