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Children's University

We are thrilled to share the news that Sherwood Park Primary School is joining the London South East Children’s University. Being a part of the Children’s University is an opportunity to reward children for taking part in a huge range of extra-curricular activities and can help to develop their love of learning. We are one of a growing number of Bexley primary schools recognising the positive benefit that joining the Children’s University brings to our children.

Our 2024 graduation!

London South East Children’s University (LSE CU) will work closely with Sherwood Park Primary School to validate “Learning Destinations” and by taking part in activities at these Learning Destinations, your child will earn stamps for their passport. There are currently over 50 Learning Destinations across Bexley and this list is constantly being added to. All the lunch time and after-school clubs taking place at Sherwood Park Primary will also become Learning Destinations where stamps can be earned. Your child/ren can also earn stamps by taking part in one-off events or workshops as well as completing the fortnightly Children’s University challenges (shared via social media and on Google Classroom) and the London South East Children’s University Virtual Club (run on Edmodo).

At the end of each academic year, LSE CU hold a celebration graduation ceremony for all children who have earned enough hours to quality. Hours continue to accumulate each year, so your child may achieve a Bronze Award in their first year and then a Gold Award in the second year. The world is their oyster and there are plenty of ways they can graduate without you needing to spend a penny (beyond the initial cost of the passport) as Learning Destinations do not always have a cost.

You can also find out more about Children’s University by following their social media.

Tan'Gun Taekwondo Academy Taster Day

September challenge CU 2024

Our children took part in the Cory's Recycling Challenge! Check out some of the entries below!

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