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Admissions for 2025-2026

Sherwood Park Primary School obtained Academy status in 2014 which means that the school's admissions authority is the Governing Body.  We have retained the admissions criteria common to other local schools and our Reception admissions are processed by the London Borough of Bexley Admissions Team. Please see the school's admissions policy for full details including information on our oversubscription criteria below.

We recognise that every parent wants to be sure they are choosing the right primary school for their child and we strongly recommend that you arrange a visit to our school prior to completing your application form. We hold tours every Thursday@9.30am in October and November in the Autumn Term. Please telephone the school office on 0208 303 6300 or email admin@sherwood.bexley.sch.uk to arrange a tour.

For more information about the school, please explore our website, our social media pages on Facebook (Sherwood Park Primary and Nursery School) and X/Twitter (@SherwoodPBexley) and also take a look at our school prospectus, available from the school office. 

Click here to go to the Schools Admissions code September 2021. 

Applying for Reception Places for September 2025

Information on how you need to apply is available on  Bexley's website www.bexley.gov.uk/services/schools-and-education/primary-schools/admission-primary-schools/message-parents

The closing date to apply for a Reception place for September 2025 is January 15th 2025. 

Tuesday 15th April 2025 is National Offer Day

Wednesday 14th May 2025 Closing date for appeals 

June/July 2025 Appeals will be heard up to 40 days after the appeal dealine

Late applications Appeals will be held within 30 days of the appeal being lodged 

When the Local Education Authority has confirmed the allocation of places at Sherwood Park Primary, we will contact parents/ carers to outline our induction programme.  Parents have the right to appeal against a decision through the independent appeals procedure administered by the Bexley Admissions Team.

Remember all the Important dates

  • 1 September 2024 - Application period starts
  • 15 January 2025 - Closing date for Reception applications. Don’t be late!
  • 7 February 2025 - Last date for address or other essential changes or for applications that are late with good reason
  • 15 April 2025 - Offers of places made online. Letters will be posted 1st class to applicants who applied on a paper form
  • 2 May 2025 - Last date for accepting and declining offers of places
  • 15 May 2025 - Last date for on time appeals for community and voluntary controlled schools
  • May to August 2025 - Offers from waiting lists
  • June to July 2025 - Appeal hearings

Nursery 2025 Admissions

3 and 4 Year Old Extended Entitlement (30 hours free childcare)

From September 2017 working parents/carers of 3 and 4 year olds may be eligible for a further 15 hours free childcare in addition to the existing free 15 hours early education entitlement, if they meet certain criteria.

For further information and please click the link below:


In-Year Admissions and Appeals

If you need to apply for a place for your child in Years R to 6 after the 1st September and before 31st August of that academic year, you should contact Bexley School Admissions team who will be able to advise you on the availablity of places in your preferred year group.

If there are places available in the relevant year group at Sherwood Park Primary we recommend that you contact the school office to arrange a visit with us. Our office staff will be happy to advise you on the application process and answer any questions that you may have before your child starts. 

If you wish to appeal a decision on in-year admissions, please write to Appeals, c/o Sherwood Park Primary and clearly state your reason for appealing. A panel will be held within 30 days of the appeal being lodged. 

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